Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cosplay at Starbucks

Pretty much the best event I've ever seen advertised on Facebook. I'm totally doing it. It's this Sunday, May 1st for those who are curious, here's a link to the event page(Which appears to be blocked right now, oh well). Anyways, I'm totally stumped on which cosplay I should wear. I was thinking either May or Larxene, but I'm sincerely wondering what y'all think I should wear. (Wish I had Taiwan dome so bad!)

Vote in the poll or comment below!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Another Addition to the List

How could I forget about Halloween? It's my favourite holiday after all. I have a way of planning way to far ahead or not far enough ahead. Anyways, this morning I woke up and said to myself, "Hey, y'know what would be really good idea?" And the rest was history.

Yep, presenting my Halloween cosplay this year: Trick and Treat Rin Kagamine!
I'm actually really silly-tastic excited about this, so excited that I started working on it, like today! In a sense, I actually have a good amount done.
I'm basing majority of my cosplay off the picture above, and the video it comes from. But I'm altering it to make it easier on me, and using the design below for a full guidline. Especially since, in the video, the designs are very cartoony, I mean, c'mon, they don't even have necks.

I made the head piece, it was actually very simple and if ya'll want, I can put a tutorial up for it. I didn't take very many progress shots of it though. I'm gonna be using the very wig that I had initially ordered for Patty, but didn't come in in time, so now I'm using it for every other cosplay imagineable.

The make-up was pretty simple, and looked like fun, so I got into that. Needless to say, I scared the crap outa myself. Attempting to make my eyebrow disappear was an experience to say the least, I've found a better method of it, and I assure you that next time, I'll use it. Oh, and I was going for sickly pale, dunno if I got it or not.

Aaand here's everything all together!

At first, I thought I kinda looked like Lady Gaga, but my sister reassured me that I didn't which made me feel better. Although I swear if I get called Lady Gaga when I'm in this costume, I'm gonna scream.

But yeah, I'm really excited about this now, I've been wanting to be Rin for a while, but haven't had the stuff for it, but this'll be easy and fun! Awesomely enough, I also have Mellow being my Len and Croweh being my Miku. PLUS! I'll be making the Miku doll seen in the video and the pumpkin staff seen in art work that I've seen around.

Anywho! Til next time!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Japan Festival of Houston

So yesterday Croweh and I went down to Herman Park for Japan Festival. It's was a lot of fun, and I got to buy stuff and attempt to make new friends.
Here's what I wore:

I decided to wear decora, because all of my cosplays were either to unreasonable for this kind of weather, broken or not made yet. I pretty happy with how my outfit came out though, all of my previous attempt at decora have looked like crap.

Anyways, so after driving in goodness knows how much traffic we finally parked and made our way down to the festival. It was kinda awkward at first because it seemed like we were the only one's dress up, but after a few minutes we got comfortable. I bought a cell phone charm in a failed attempt to compete with Bells. We saw the girl who was our neighbor in the Artist Alley at Anime Matsuri. Then we finally found Bells and walked around shopped with her for a while, she pressured me into a getting a parasol, which I've been wanting for a while, but had been more or less indecisive on. We did more shopping and Croweh  and I broke down and made Bells call a friend of ours from Matsuri cause we're socially awkward and she has better composure than us. So we met up with him so I could give him a hug and Bells dispersed from our group. So Croweh and I attempted to stalk another group of cosplayers so we could feel like we were part of a social group. Then we lost them and then found them and then we watched the cosplay contest which kinda bothered us cause we knew for a fact that not everyone in there made their cosplays...
Anyways, after that we left, it was a lot of fun despite ridiculously hot, sunny, windy weather. Plus the fact that I got a nice sunburn across my face.

Stuff I bought:

Favourite cosplays of the day:
     I wanted them to win. ^

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lots on the Plate Next

  I was thinking about it and realized how much I have to do next. Goodness. I have plans for at least two conventions this summer, and at least three cosplays to make/ put together.

Cons that I hope to go to:
A-Kon - This might be the only chance I get to go, so if I get permission to go, I'm going. If I don't, I'm hoping to go to the alternative.
Delta H Con - The alternative. It's small and the passes and Artist tables are inexpensive, but I'll be able to go to it in the future more than I will A-Kon, which is why I had to make the choice.
San Japan - I better fricken go. This convention is like prom for me, and you know how much normal girls have at prom. Plus Airship Isabella AND We *Heart* Cardgames is going. Incentive!

Cosplays in need of being worked on:
Ryoko Subaru from Martian Successor Nadesico

   Is it sad that I'm mostly excited to be her because she has green hair making her be the first unnatural hair coloured character I'll ever be? Besides the fact of how much I relate to her and love her character. For most of the series she's really strong and, well, kinda mean, but then there are parts in the series where she's kind of unsure about herself. Mainly referencing to the talent show episode where she gets the feeling of utter uselessness, something I definitely often relate to.
My to-do's on this one are:
  • Finish cutting and dyeing the wig
  • Buy black fabric
  • Get some craft foam for shoes and shoulder pads
Taiwan from Axis Powers Hetalia

  I'm sure if you've followed me on Youtube or DeviantART prior to this you'll have known that I was going to be Greece. Well I switched. The reason being that we actually got a new member of our cosplay family who made a way better Greece than I did, and I felt the need to switch. After thinking long and hard, I decided that I really wanted ridiculous pink sleeves and after looking up a bit on Taiwan, I figured that I really liked her. Plus this means that I can still be paired with Japan, because I'm cool like that, and I love Japan (hence the picture).
  • Buy all fabric
  • Make flower hair pieces
  • Find some cheap flats
 First Mate Navigator Meriel Starseer

I'm sure some are like, "Wait-what?" Meriel is my steampunk character, and proud navigator of the All-Aborg Crew. Happily serving under Captain Bells, former daughter of an upper class elf family flies through the skies in denial of her prior life.
Lots to do on this girl:
  • Make Goggles
  • Aquire or make jewelry
  • finish fixing vest
  • Aquire or make shirt and trousers
  • Aquire weapons
  • Aquire telescope (not picture)
  • Aquire and make all other accessories

Mystery Final Fantasy Cosplay

I'm still keeping this girl under wraps for now, when San Japan draws closer, I'll release her information.   But i can say that I'm excited about both the construction of and being her. She's been one of my favourite characters since before I even played the game, so that's saying something I think.
To do: Practically everything
  • Style wig
  • Buy/order fabrics
  • Make weapon and accessories
  • Find shoes to use as a base for the shoes

That's pretty much the left and right of my summer plans, I hope to get a job in there somewhere.Thankfully the hardest thing is gonna be my Final Fantasy girl, lots of hand stitching and making sure things look good. I'm hoping to enter the cosplay contest at San Japan with that one. Also if I have time this summer, I really want to make myself an "Elven Princess" dress. If I can't I'll survive, but I've been wanting one for ages. Anyways, enough rambling!

Thanks for stopping by and reading you guys!
Much love,

Friday, April 1, 2011

Anime Matsuri

I know how extremely late this is, and I'm  not even gonna do a thorough report. I'm so sorry! >_<

Okay, well summary time!

Soul Eater Day! I was with Mizu and Mellow as Liz and Kid respectively, Aza as Marie, Bells as Blair, and Croweh as Tsubaki. To start the day off, the hotel decides to sound off an alarm, which my friend put up a video of here. My apologies if the video is on private. Anyways, we woke up, and went down to set the table up. After that we did a good amount of dilly dallying. Around noon, I signed me, Liz and Kid up for the Cosplay Hall, which we didn't win, but I saw the winners around, and they were awesome. At 1:00 we went to the lobby for a photoshoot with AngelWing, who was really awesome, especially since she put up with our derpyness. After the shoot, I waited at the table for Liz and Kid to get out of the dating game so we could go get judged for the hall. After that we went to Twinzik's panel which was awesome and then I went upstairs to change into Toph. I hung around the table for the rest of the day after that and we cleaned up at 11:00 to go back to the room.

Thinking about this day makes me think about how at a convention is the only place where Shigure and Kagura would be helping Romano fix his hair in an elevator. Oh, I love cons. Anyways, Fruits Basket day! Let's see, we got myself as Kagura, Bells as Shigure, Croweh as Hanajima, Kitty as Tohru, Mellow as Kyo and Mizu as Ayame. We hung around the table while waiting for the roomies in the other to wake up then Croweh and I went to the Ask a Nation panel for fives minutes to see our Romano friend, had a couples lols and then left. We meandered about until we got everyone together to get a shoot. And then three of us went upstairs to change and I changed into Toph again. Waited in line for the cosplay contest, I was able to successfully get lots of people to stand closer the wall using my very loud friend. The contest was awesome and the winners of best in show were breath taking. Derped around until closing time for the table. Got ready for the formal much earlier than we needed to. The formal was the BEST PART OF THE WEEKEND! I don't even-

Probably the saddest day just cause we had to leave, and it was all over and stuff.  We did Camp Nobody at first, but of course I changed into far more uncomfortable shoes. Can't say much, last minute sales and we left. Sadness and such

I'd give Anime Matsuri 2011 an 8 out of 10. Everything was pretty well organized, but hotel was plain awful, not gonna do a lot of whining though cause I already got it out of my system. It was fun thanks to my friends mostly. 
I can't wait until the next con I go to though cause I realized how much more I love conventions than "real life".
