Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Road Blocks and Stress and Secrets, Oh My!

Thought I'd be cheesy for the sake of cheesiness.  But in all seriousness, I regret to inform that due to money complications, I won't be able to finish Rikku for SanJapan. This where you all frown and go "Awwww!" And on the note of not doing stuff, we, meaning the whole group, have decided to cancel our Nadesico cosplay due to stress and other things like that. We might do them eventually, but it'll be a long while from now. So, this might get you to saying, then what the heck are you gonna cosplay at SanJapan?! Well....Croweh suggested Pokemon, buuuut, while that may be all good for her, I honestly dislike wearing my May cosplay. It's all baggy on me and I don't like using my own hair because it's too long and plus I've been wanting to redo basically the entire thing.[Don't hate me Croweh! ] So I've been considering a few things. The first being wearing either Kagura or Toph, I've never had the right hair for Toph, so it wouldn't be any different if I were to put my hair into a pony tail for her. As for Kagura, now that I think about it, maybe not for one of the same reasons as May, it's kinda big on me. But not so big that it doesn't work unlike May, actually I just tried it on and it looks kinda cute....so yeah, there's that option. The second idea I had was just to kick it nerdy Otaku street style. As I like to call it. A while ago I did a reconstruction of a shirt I didn't wear and put pieces of an FullMetal Alchemist shirt shirt on it, and I really don't get to wear it often enough. I have some other cute pieces that I could put it with(I have the outfit in my mind as I type). Not really exciting, so I'd probably play photographer for the day, but I'd at least be comfortable, hehe....yeah. Another one that I thought of was throwing together another decora outfit, which would probably look better due to having more hair accessories and cuter skirts. That's basically all I could think up. I'm going to put a poll up with those decisions, and it'll be open for a couple of weeks. Also feel free to comment with any suggestions.
That would be for Friday though. As for Saturday, I came up with something that I could easily whip together in a month. BUT! I'm not gonna tell you guys what it is. Why? Because surprises are fun. I might wait to even give any hints until I'm done. I won't be starting until I get payed(well, half payed. Long story, ain't gonna talk about it) for my friends Hungary cosplay commission though. Which will hopefully be before the week is out, but we'll see. But I am pretty excited about the new secret cosplay I'll hopefully do, and the convention altogether(I get too see all my con friends again! Yay!! 8D)

Anyways! I look forward to hearing any input from yous gais!
Until next time,