Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer To-do List

Yet another non-cosplay related blog. Sorry for posting so many of these! >_< Anyways, summer has finally begun for me down here. And every summer for the past three(I think) summers I've made a "to-do" list. It usually comprises of 20-ish items that I need/want/should do that summer. And my goal for the summer is to accomplish at least 50% percent of them. Thus far I've actually not been able to achieve that goal*headdesk*, but I'm hoping this summer will be different. As usual.
Anyways, onto to more pressing matters, zhe leest!

- Get a job
- Make Ryoko
- Make FF Cosplay
- Make Jenni's Hungary Cosplay (for money+her soul)
- Make Plushies for me
- Do Plushie Commissions
- Buy a new wig for Toph
- Buy fabric for Taiwan
- Go to Delta H Con
- Go to San Japan
- Loose more weight
- Buy wig for Yuni
- Buy wig for Selphie
- Get five more youtube subscribers
- Get five more bloggers followers (Hey, a girl can dream.)
- Participate in my first (real) Cosplay Contest
- Host another Cosplay Picnic
- Buy my first lolita dress
- Make some Cosplay Music Videos (Yes, I'm at that level of dorky)
- Make more friends within the Cosplay community. (Yeah, I know that one's kinda sad and embarrassing, but to be honest, I'm kind of socially awkward and don't have very many friends in Cosplay-land aside from the ones I knew before cosplay[Love you guys BTW! >-<])
- Ensure everyone that that last one was not a lame cry for attention
- Get more photoshoots done (Good or not, I need more pictures. Plus they're fun as heck.)
- Make sure to fun in all of this totally hard work. >3<

Yeah, it's got a random amount of silly things in there as it commonly does, but I personally think it's a good idea to set a good amount of goals for yourself, even when on vacation or break. Or.....maybe that's just my need to be semi-productive talking. If anyone else makes a summer to-do list, I would totally love to see it! I'm really excited about summer starting, and I hope it'll be better than ever!

Much love!
Sana ^_^

Friday, May 13, 2011

Project Plushie: Gilbirds

Time for a non-cosplay related blog!

So I've been wanting to make myself, as well as a friend mine, a Germany Gilbird for quite some time now. I've been boggled as to what method to go about doing so, but I finally formulated one that I'm content with. I gave my friends hers and it makes me unconrtrolably happy knowing how much she loves it. After that I was even happier to hear three of my other friends ask to commission some from me. I can't really say how happy it makes me to feel appreciated. ^_^

More of the Gilbirds:

This is the first of a ton load of plushies that I really want to make this summer. If I get better I was thinking about taking commissions, but knowing my experience with commssions, I'm not sure yet.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wear Cosplay to Starbucks After Math

Relatively short post is gonna be relatively short.
Sadly, Bells couldn't come with us. Croweh and I decided on our Pokemon cosplays for convenience and so we wouldn't get arrested. So we went to the Starbucks in our mall and Croweh got some beverage and we walked around the mall. We went to GameStop and our favourite GameStop person got really excited and took a picture of us. We magically ran into some other cosplayers that had the same idea as us. Two groups in fact. Yays! We actually didn't get to many mean looks or comments and I think I remember seeing a kid get really excited over seeing us.

We successfully made friends and walked around with them until we went home. And by made friends I technically mean only one person willing to give us their facebook to stay in touch.

And that's the basis of my May 1st. Not much else. Ah well! Til next time!
