Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Non-Cosplay Related Report

So, to be perfectly honest, I'm pretty bugged with the fact that a lot of people have kinda forgotten what Thanksgiving is really suppose to be about. I saw some stuff earlier today that basically said that some people think it's just about eating lots of food. Now, I don't really like lecturing about History, mainly cause I'm not very big on History whatsoever. I also don't really like sounding like a cheesy Hallmark movie. (Can;t stand those >_>) But really need to say, it kinda pains me that some people don't really know the real meaning of Thanksgiving.(oh god, the cheesiness of that statement.)

Thanksgiving is about being thankful for what you've been given in this life. Whatever it may be, family, friends. health, what have you. It's a day to contemplate what you're truly happy for. Think about that, and then think about how your life would be without those things. It's not supposed to be about stuffing yourself and watching football(Or in my sister and I's case, the Purina Dog Show). It's not about everything going right or being perfect, or having big parties, or anything like that. This hit me kinda hard today when I was feeling all bleg(trust me, it's a feeling) cause I had to listen to my parents get upset about one thing going wrong or the other. Now, don't get me wrong here, I love my family, and I'm so grateful for them, I honestly wish they would just calm down I little. Jus sayin. >_> Anyways, back on topic, the point of Thanksgiving, the reason why the tradition is to make and eat a lot of food, is to show how thankful we are for how lucky we are to have what we have.

Okay, so first, here are some tiny little things I've done to show my thankfulness and what other people should do too:
  • Save your left overs dangit! (sorry, had to get that out)
  • Tell the people who mean the world to you, exactly how you feel. 
    • You have no idea how much this will make their day, I promise.
  • If you're not the one who prepared the meal, tell the person who did, what a great job they did.
    • My dad makes Thanksgiving lunch ever year, and we just eat the crap out of it usually. But today I told him that he did really good, and I think I saw a tear form in the corner of his eye, not lyin'!
  • Take the day off from worrying or complaining.
  • Think about everything you have, and how your life would be without it. (Stated above, I know, but seriously do it.)
  • Do something for someone else.
    • This can be on a large or small scale.

Now, cause I can, here's a list of what I'm thankful for
  • My friends
    • I am SO damn lucky to have the friends that I do. I genuinely love every single of them. They would go through hell and back for me, and I for them. I love them so much, and I really don't know how my life would be without them, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
  • My dog, Thatcher
    • I adopted Thatcher last year, and, even when he's annoying me, I've never regretted it. I would do anything for this dog to be happy. You guys don't even know.
  • My eyesight
    • Okay, this one is kinda odd... But I honestly don't think I'd be able to go on if I were to loose my ability to see. It's something that I'm legitimately frightened of loosing. Everything I do revolves around me being able to see, and probably wouldn't be able to go one with my life without it. Anyways....NOW THAT WE'RE ALL DEPRESSED NSTUFF...
  • The men and women fighting for my freedom, that couldn't come home this Thanksgiving
    • SorryIminaglasscaseofemotiontoday. But seriously, if you're American, and not thankful for those fricken brave as hell people, then you've got some inner battles, that I don't wanna touch.
  • My family
    • I feel a little bad for putting them at the bottom. But, despite how much I gripe about them, I love my family. And am truly blessed to have them.

So, now that I've made myself cry, I want all of you to do the same!! Haha, just kidding, but really, just take some time to think about what's really important this holiday season.  N'stuff....

I promise to update with cosplay stuff next time, sorry for this! ^_^;

Until next time,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

*Tumble Weed Rolls By*

I'm so sorry blog! I've had nothing to update with! *huggles blog*
Sad to say, being in highschool, not being able to drive, and not having a job, really limit a person whose primary devotion involves time, transportation and money. I've been trying to scourge what I can to be able to work on sellables for AM. I know, it's pretty far off, but still. Especially when school doesn't really keep me busy and I have nothing to do and no money to execute what I WANT to do!!!

Anyways, for whatever reason(probably cause my crew's anniversary was this month), everytime autumn rolls around, I always get in a steampunk-y mood that makes me wanna find stuff and glue it to the telescope I got a year ago in an attempt to make it pretty. But then I realize that I don't have the means to do so and I start wondering if my art teacher would let me borrow some of her paints to be able to color up some wires and bolts to look bronze and copper and I'm just typing as all of this comes to mind. ANYWAYS, I would give some kind of an advice blog about steampunk, but seeing as I don't feel as though have enough skill to give advice on anything of that nature.......FEATURE TIME!!!
I really love looking at other, more creative, people's steampunk creations, there are some really beautiful things that I've seen people make in the past, and it's just amazing.

This first one has double love from me. I have been a big ol' fan of Batman since I was a young'n, especially Poison Ivy. I always had this admiration of the character probably based purely on design. Anywho, this is Orlarose who did an absolutely beautiful steampunk version of Poison Ivy. She has an abundance of other beautiful images in her gallery as well, so go check her out.

Found this one under the rummage of my favourites, and man do I love the crap out it. Just, the style, and the warm colours. How it mixes pures fantasy and science fiction elements like the genre of steampunk right well should. Homarusrex has a really neat style and I for colour, so I advise giving their gallery a look.

Time for my obligatory biased fangirl post. I love love LOVE everything Turners Tokens designs. If I could, I would buy from her in a heart beat. Even the pieces that have similarities all have their own qualities that make them uniquely beautiful. My personal favourites being anything that has an octopus on it (loves octopi almost as much as turtles). I suggest everyone look at her gallery, and even if jewelry ain't your thing, she has many other things, including pictures of cute cats, so check her out.

And speaking of the punk that is steamy, possible hopes of  going to Dickens on the Strand this December. HOPEFULLY. Looking at the pictures from previous events and the ever-coaxing temptation of the fact that Airship Isabella is going to attend and host events and such is just like, fffffffffffneedtogonowplz?

Anyways, I'll be getting next week off of school, so I'm going to make an immense attempt to rummage around and work on my navigator outfit, and maybe I'll post some pretty pictures of what I'm doing next week. Nothing is certain as always. ^_^;

Until next time,

PS: I know it's not like NEW new, but here's some of Abney Park's newest album. Ain't it purty?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Oni-con/Halloween Recap

This is a week late. ^^;
Omg omg omg! Weekend! You so fun!


I went to Oni-con this weekend in Galveston with Croweh and J-J, a first time con goer school friend of ours. So we got to Galveston on Friday night. So nothing happened then. I didn't sleep AT ALL on Friday night due to a TV the wouldn't turn off, snoring roommates and the fact that we were next to a highway. I heard a car wreck, sirens and a train before giving up on the idea sleep. Everyone else woke up around 6:30-7:30 ish and got ready-ish. Croweh was clad in casual Marluxia, J-J was a very ghetto, but still cute umbreon and I was, of course, Claire. We ate breakfast and went back up to the room to finish getting ready. We drove to the convention center and followed some Asians until we found the parking garage. We went in and waited for Reg to open. Met up with my buddy Josh real quick after getting our badges. I literally tackled him, and it was awesome (I don't tackle or glomp very often). We wandered around and explored the convention center. We chatted with JET TEXAS(if you go to Texas cons, you know who this is probably), which my brain pretty much fan-girled to death over, and actually kept my composure while talking to him, he was really cool. We herped-a-derped about, went to the dealers room. OMG, I saw a fricken BEAUTIFUL Darkside Chronicles Artbook in there and it was $50 and I almost cried at how poor I was! STEALING! WHY Y U SO MORALLY INCORRECT?!? I got a call from my Steve while I was in there and he implored us to attend the Ask a Nation panel because he was helping with it. We walked around a bit more and checked out the gaming room, I met some other Resident Evil cosplayers and got asked for quite a few pictures, which made me pretty happy, seeing as I got barely any at SJ. After the AAN panel, he changed into his Steve cosplay and I chatted with more RE cosplayers, like two Barrys, a Carlos, a Chris, some BSAA members and some Umbrella Corp. grunts(Yeah, we were like all in the same place) while waiting for him. He was such a lady really, took forever to get changed. After that we walked around a lot and he talked to his friends while I stood behind him and was like, "I'm gonna stand here and not talk, kthxbye." We walked around and met FRICKEN TWABI and I was just like "OMG DIEING OF AWESOME OVERLOAD!" We met up with my friends again before heading to the Cospaly Contest room. I just want to add a random note here. I LOVE gamers. I just absolutely LOVE them. That is all. Anyways, we chilled in the contest room and met some cool new people I met an awesome Nathan Drake who's name I wish I had gotten! We did our walk on and I'm sure I did terribly because I was SO tired. After the contest ended, my Steve talked to the Wesker from TWABI who complimented the jacket that I had made for my Steve and on the inside I was like, "AHIGADKFADKLHADLKGADFL DYING!" and on the outside I was like, "Thaaank yooou...-derp-"
I almost exploded, to put it simply. -isafangirltothemaximum-

So a pretty okay con. No drama, no stress. Short and simple. Lots of ego boosting for me. >_> Just sayin.
No photo shoots I'm afraid. But here's one pic taken of my Claire cosplay.


I spent Halloween with great friends Mizu, Aza and NamelessAndroid. It was super duper ridiculous fun. I was originally going to wear my Trick and Treat Rin cosplay, but I didn't have my twinsie with me, and I didn't want to do it without him. But I did have a zombie buddy! So I was Claire again instead! :D
First we went to Denny's to go bother Croweh. And we're all pretty sure it made her night. After that, we returned to Mizu and Aza's neighborhood to breifly Trick or Treat. It had gotten late, so not much in that. After that, NamelessAndroid(MAI ZOMBEH BUDDEH) and I did a tiny photo shoot. Twas much fun dahling! We MUST do it again sometime! After that, we chilled and watched Nightmare Before Christmas and then my dad came to pick me up because it was late and a school night. /shelteredchildplz.
Eitherway! Picture time! Yay!

Yay for zombies! I hope everyone had a great Halloween! ^_^

Til next time,