Thursday, June 30, 2011

Slight Cosplay Hiatus. Until Further Notice.

I'm gonna try to make this as not whiny as possible.

Well, to put it simply, life is hard. It's hard for a lot of people I have no room to complain about anything. But the truth of the matter is, I have no money, actually, I have negative money. I owe myself money. And I keep thinking and I can't believe it's come to this. I'm going to finish Ryoko, and I'm going to finish Rikku. But I after I finish them, I really don't know when I'll make any new cosplays again. Sigh. It really makes me want to cry to admit that I've bitten off more than I can chew with this. Actually, scratch that, I did cry. I sobbed for several minutes straight after coming to this realization that nothing goes according to plan. What I mainly need to say is I'm not gonna do anything new for a long while. I need to get a job, pay myself back, pay my sister back as I also owe her money and then I can think about making new cosplays again. I've also decided to take some TNT to my cosplay "schedule". I've decided it to be simpler to just make cosplays as they come and not put a specific due date on them, I think it'll keep my hair from turning white and my face from breaking out much longer. So in saying that, if I don’t finished Rikku by San Japan, although that would be ideal for me, I won’t cry, I’ll suck it up, and wear something else. I’ll be able to finish her by Matsuri next year. I’m going to have to stop making promises to both myself and my watchers/subscribers/etc. because I have a way of breaking said promises, and it makes everyone sad. I've also been having a lot of inner drama, and it's been difficult for me to stop being hard on myself.

So, don’t expect seeing anything about my Yuni or Selphie cosplays anytime cause goodness knows when those will be happening. Especially Selphie because I’ve yet to actually play Final Fantasy 8. Yeah.

And to awkwardly wrap all of this up, I need to point this out, mainly to myself. Cosplay maybe the greatest thing in your(my) life, but you(I) need to always remember that life always comes first. You can put the construction of a costume on hold, but life ain't gonna stop or even slow down for you(me), and if you(I) look away for a second, it's gonna hit you(me) like a speeding train.

I hope no one's mad at my broken promises,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Conventions Update Primarily Based Around SanJapan

So, I've decided that, unfortunately, I'm only going to San Japan for the summer primarily due to the fact that I've yet to get a job, and  the place I'm going to apply at is hiring when Delta H Con is going on. Much sadness, indeed, but it will be alright as San Japan is like the prom of conventions.

While I'm on that subject, I'd like to mention I offered to help spread the word about San Japan because I believe that it deserves help, and I think that EVERYONE in the world should because it's that great. Anyways, a while back they put up a post on Facebook saying that they got a butt load of postcards and posters that they needed help distributing all over the state. Them being my favourite convention I was happy to help, they told us to send our address to this one email as well as our t-shirt size saying they were gonna give us a shirt as compensation, which was all cool. So I get a package in the mail the other day and I open it and I'm like "Holy-!" I was expecting a good handful of postcards and a t-shirt. I got three times as many postcards(I'm gonna be a busy woman! I'm so excited to distribute them honestly), the shirt, three bumper stickers, and a cosplay show dvd from last year. Wha?! Yeah, I was a little shocked. But...yeah, I love this con. And I hate saying so more after I got free stuff(at least I think the stuff is for me and not more advert), but it was seriously the best con I had ever been to. Everything started on time(in exception of the rave, but that was due to tear-down and set-up time in the main events room), it has an ever-growing variety of events that doesn't just reach out to anime fans, an awesome list of guests, and is just made of awesome. When I went to Japan Festival a while back I met a guy that knew the people that started this con and he talked about how San Japan is an attendee-based convention, versus being a profit based one. And it definitely shows. Everyone we met on staff when we went last year was uber nice aaaaand do any of you guys know any other conventions that have a three-year long Dealers Room waiting list? I don't. Also, their artist alley sold out within half an hour this year I believe. The ones who've been there know, this is a good con, and I think it's just gonna get better.  I say, if you'd be able to go, go. It's a well worth it convention to me.

Well, now that I'm done seemingly bragging about this, if you're interested. The convention is held in San Antonio, TX from August 5-7. Their website is

Enough of this shameless advertisement then, til next time!